The Winter Solstice is probably the most powerful energetic day of the year, celebrated in nearly every culture for millennia.
This hour-long, audio recording, guided meditation, by Francesco Garri Garripoli will help you prepare yourself energetically for the emerging light and longer days on this important day of transition… and during any time in your life when you are asked to face change.
Experience a beautiful Bhutanese “karma clearing” mantra for the intention of preparing for new beginnings.
This meditation was originally recorded at the peak of the Northern Hemisphere 2021 Winter Solstice at 10:59 am EST (U.S. East Coast) with a group of meditators from 9 different countries creating a beautiful Qi Field in a Heart-aligned community around the planet.
Thank you for enjoying this Course that is focused on self-love, grounding, alignment, self-healing, and other Nei Gong benefits of learning to use our breath and Yi (mental Qi activation.)
Course Features
Duration35 minutes
Skill levelAll levels
This Course is a one-hour audio recording that you can listen to as often as you wish. Click on Lesson One to listen.
This is where to access the audio guided meditation. Click the Lesson link below to access the recording after signing up for this Course.
Your meditation is exquisite!!! I’ve listened to it 4 times now, and I must confess that I go to such a peaceful state every time… and the Bhutanese mantra is especially “meaningful” taking me home to my deep, one with the universe, self.
Thank you for your cosmic vision and heart centered guidance.
Welcome to Qigong with Francesco…
…an empowering refresh to deepen your Qigong practice, and an opportunity to learn the Organ Cleansing form
This is...
Your meditation is exquisite!!! I’ve listened to it 4 times now, and I must confess that I go to such a peaceful state every time… and the Bhutanese mantra is especially “meaningful” taking me home to my deep, one with the universe, self.
Thank you for your cosmic vision and heart centered guidance.
JM, Sonoma, California